Monday, 23 February 2015

5 Ways To Decorate A Rented Property

If like me, you are living in a rented property, you probably know what I mean when I say that it's sometimes difficult working with what you got when you aren't able to change certain features of the property (i.e ugly red carpets & lilac painted walls, ugh) 

But! There is some little non permanent changes that will help to make a house a home and help create a personal space you look forward to spending time in. 

1. Flowers (and lots of them!)

This is probably pretty self explanatory,
but having fresh flowers about is always a nice and relatively cheap way to brighten up a room. 
I always like to keep a bunch of flowers in the sitting room as that's where I like to spend most of my time when i'm in the house (cosied under a blanket, watching Netflix!) 
And! If that's not enough, research has also proven that having flowers in your home can lower blood pressure, reduce feelings of anxiety and generally put you in a more positive psychological state. A worthwhile investment if you ask me! 

2. Candles

As i've mentioned in a previous post, I am a self-confessed candle horder. But, they really do the trick when it comes to making a house seem more like a home. I usually would opt for Yankee Candles, as they are highly scented and once lit for an hour or two you can smell it throughout the house- you really do get your moneys worth from these candles.

3. Postcards 
Lately, I had been trying to think of a way of decorating a bare white wall without the use of a hammer & nails (some landlords can get a bit iffy if you start putting holes in the walls) 
I finally found the solution when I discovered Paperchases adorable range of postcards! Pick your favourites and stick them up with washi tape in a (semi) artistic manner! Washi tape is great for this as they come in lots of different designs and colours and generally looks a bit better than boring scotch tape. 

4. Frame your favourite vinyl records 

Another way i've tried to personalise my living space is making use of the fittings for wall hangings already present in the house. I picked up these frames designed to fit vinyl records in a local bargain shop a while ago and went through the careful (and somewhat picky) process of choosing what records I wanted framed. It was a fairly long process due to the extensive collection i've acquired over the past few years.  But I managed to narrow it down to 4!  This is a nifty little idea to make the house feel a bit more like home & give it a personal twist. 

5. Make your own pillow cases

Get out your sewing kits! 
This is such a cost effective way of bringing personal touches into your home while also giving purpose to all those old band T-shirts you never wear anymore! 
Tutorials about how to turn your old tops into pillowcases can be found online, but it's easy enough to do without following one. It's also a great way to showcase that 'acquired' taste you had for music in your younger day! 

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